As the first designated Tree City USA community in the state of Texas, the City of Fort Worth has taken steps to achieve and maintain 30% tree canopy coverage citywide.
Below are guidelines and information that will assist you in the lawful removal of a tree or trees from private property or adjacent public property, and proper handling of tree-related situations in Fort Worth, Texas.
Emergency Tree Removal from Public Property, Power Line, Sidewalk or City Street
Within this information are regulations regarding the trimming, cutting, and removal of dead, dying, injured or hazardous tree cases, and how they are to be addressed and resolved:
Tree Emergency Blocking Road, Right-of-Way, or Traffic – If storm-damaged limbs or a fallen tree is in a roadway or on public property day or night, the situation should be reported to the Forth Worth’s Forestry Section for Hazards by calling (817) 392-5738.
For such emergencies on weekdays after 4:00 pm, weekends, or holidays, contact the City of Fort Worth’s Transportation and Public Works Department at (817) 392-1234.
Power Line or Utility Interfering Tree – Fort Worth residents are encouraged to report any tree on public or private property which poses a hazard to power lines by calling Fort Worth’s electrical utility provider Oncor at (888) 313-4747 (Outages).
Trees interfering with power lines from “pole to house” are considered the property owner’s responsibility. For the trimming or removal of these trees, contact Oncor at (888) 313-6862 (Service) to request a disconnect and reconnect for the time the tree will be handled.
Never approach or touch a tree that is in contact with power lines. The tree may be energized and could result in electrocution and death.
Public Tree Fallen on Private Property – When a tree from city property falls onto private property, the City’s Forestry Section should be contacted immediately at (817) 392-5738. They will dispatch a crew to remove the tree up to the property line. The property owner is responsible for removing the portion that lands on their property.
Private Tree Fallen on Public Right-of-Way – When a tree on private property falls into the public right-of-way, immediately contact the Fort Worth Forestry Section at (817) 392-5738.
The Forestry Section will remove the portion of the tree in the right-of-way up to the private property line. Removal of the remainder of the tree on the private property is the responsibility of the property owner.
Tree Removal Permit Regulations for Private Property
The City of Fort Worth, Tx has established a number of tree policies designed to protect its overall population of trees. There are two (2) unique permits, either of which can be required by Urban Forestry based on the scenario, that will be outlined in this document.
The Urban Forestry Compliance Department implements and enforces the urban forestry ordinance, and property owners should note its requirements per the following scenarios:
1) A City of Fort Worth Tree Removal Permit or Urban Forestry Permit is not required for the removal of a single (1) dead, dying, diseased or hazardous tree from your single unit property which must be under one (1) acre.
2) An Urban Forestry Permit is required if the tree in question meets the following criteria:
• It is located on property that’s more than one (1) acre.
• It is located on property with multiple unit homes.
• It is a Significant Tree.
• It is of any species with a DBH (diameter at breast height) of 6 inches or greater.
• It is a Heritage Tree.
• When trees are located on property in which building, construction, or site work will require a development permit. (An Urban Forestry permit must be acquired before approval of the development permit is granted)
3) A City of Fort Worth Tree Removal Permit is required for the removal of a single (1) tree that:
• Will not result in more than 75% of existing tree canopy on the site being destroyed (if more than 75% of the canopy will be lost, an Urban Forestry Permit is required).
• Is located on adjacent city property (street tree, privacy tree, etc.) that is adversely affecting private property, or is hazardous to people or structures, dead, or dying.
• Is located on adjacent city property and is infested with insects or disease, threatening the health of surrounding trees.
Tree Ordinance No.18615-05-2009 section C. Exemptions from Urban Forestry Requirements as listed at the bottom of this document, further defines when only a City of Fort Worth Tree Removal Permit may be required.
Now that you are familiar with the basic requirements, the tree removal permit application process is outlined step-by-step below. However, to gather more in-depth understanding and explanations of the above permit criteria, see the following policies and permit definitions.
Fort Worth Tree Ordinance Policies and Permit Definitions
Through ORDINANCE NO.18615-05-2009 The City of Fort Worth Forestry Section, Urban Forestry Department, and Planning and Development Department work in tandem to achieve and maintain a canopy coverage of 30% city-wide.
The following are terms and definitions of trees protected under this ordinance.
Significant Trees – These are unusual trees which present aesthetic qualities to the community.
• These are trees with a DBH (diameter at breast height or 4.5 feet above ground) greater than 27 inches or 18 inches for post oaks or blackjack oaks.
Heritage Trees – Either naturally occurring or planted, trees qualify to be designated as heritage trees if:
• They are of unusual size, age, species, or other outstanding characteristics.
• Have a connection to a historical event, building, or district.
• Serve as well-known landmarks, or are significant to the community in which they grow.
• Were planted by a historically significant person.
See the map for locations of Heritage Trees in Fort Worth below:
The following excerpt covering the protection of large trees was taken from section ‘G. Urban Forestry Plan/Permits’ of Tree Ordinance No.18615-05-2009:
5. Preservation of Significant or Large Trees
a. Significant or Large Trees twenty-seven (27) inches in diameter (84.82 inches in circumference) for the entire city or eighteen (18) inches in diameter (56.55 inches in circumference) for Post Oaks and Blackjack Oaks east of Interstate Highway 35W can only be removed by permit of the City Forester. The reduced diameter for Post Oaks and Blackjack Oaks east of IH 35W is in recognition of the naturally occurring Post Oak Savannahs within the Cross Timbers Zone. Preservation of a significant or large tree will be credited to the required canopy cover one and one-half (1Y:) times the actual canopy size.
The Fort Worth Tree Removal Permit Application Process
In the event you are intending to remove a tree or trees which require a tree removal permit, this information will guide you through the process.
To apply for a tree removal permit from the City’s Urban Forestry Compliance Department:
1. Download or print the City of Fort Worth Tree Removal Permit Application.
2. Fill out the application in its entirety, providing a detailed explanation for the removal.
3. Submit as much documentation as possible, including a map of the location, pictures that show the tree’s location, and letters or documents such as a Basic Tree Risk Assessment Form signed by an ISA certified arborist explaining the need for removal.
4. A completed application and supporting documentation can be emailed to
You can also apply in person, mail or hand deliver your application to:
City of Fort Worth
Planning and Development Department
Urban Forestry Compliance
200 Texas (Lower Level)
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
The Fort Worth Urban Forestry Permit Application Process
In the event you are intending to remove multiple healthy trees, or trees which require an Urban Forestry permit, this information will guide you through the process.
1. Download or print the Urban Forestry Permit Application.
2. Application forms, calculations and site plans may be submitted electronically through the City’s online permitting system (once you have created an account) or delivered to the address below.
Please note that paper applications must include a CD or flash drive containing PDF versions of application documents.
Application fees for an Urban Forestry Permit are as follows:
• Base fee, first five acres (up to 5.00 acres), including one revision: $250
• Additional acreage: $15 per acre or portion of an acre added to the base fee
• Any additional revisions (each): $100
• Inspection fee for site(s) with preserved trees: $50 per inspection. Initial fee is $100 to cover pre- and post-grading inspections. Additional inspections and associated fees may apply.
• Application Fee for a waiver hearing before the Urban Design Commission: $295
City of Fort Worth
Planning and Development Department
Urban Forestry Compliance
200 Texas (Lower Level)
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
City of Fort Worth TX Forestry Section, Urban Forestry, and Arborist Information
The following contacts are helpful in the assistance of filing a tree removal application, or dealing with a power line interfering, threatening, or fallen tree.
Rustin Stephens
City Forester – ISA Certified Arborist
City of Fort Worth Forestry Section
4200 S. Freeway, Suite 2200
Fort Worth, TX 76115
Phone: 817-392-5738
Steve Cooke
Transportation and Public Works Department
City Hall – Second Floor
200 Texas St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Phone: 817-392-1234
Planning and Development Department
Urban Forestry Compliance
200 Texas (Lower Level)
Fort Worth, Texas, 76102
Phone: 817-392-7933
Oncor Electric Delivery
Outage Line: 888-313-4747
Service Line: 888-313-6862
800-227-2600 or 811
City of Fort Worth Tree Protection Ordinance
The following are scenarios in which an Urban Forestry Permit is not required.
Excerpt taken from section C. Exemptions from Urban Forestry Requirements of Tree Ordinance No.18615-05-2009:
“The following are not subject to Urban Forestry requirements:
1. Structures that do not create or expand building square footage or temporary structures such as job shacks associated with construction activities, when no trees greater than six(6) inches are removed;
2. Any single residential lot with a one or two-family dwelling that is one (1) acre or less in size
3. Change in use of an existing structure, unless the structure is expanded in accordance with Paragraph 8.3 above
4. Any area within a design district unless the standards for that district do not address urban forestry.
5. Construction or expansion of structures in the “H” CentralBusinessDistrict
6. Any area located within an airport operating area as defined by Section 3-I of the City Code
7. Any tree that is deemed to be in unsafe condition, or is injurious to common good, or to electrical, gas or water utilities, or sewer pipes, pavement or improvements, or is infested and dangerous to other trees or conflicts with other ordinances or regulations
8. Gas well sites and natural gas pipeline compressor stations, except as outlined in Chapter 15, Gas Drilling of the City Code.”